


The Order of Shimshon

The ORDER OF THE KNIGHTS OF SAMSON THE DELIVERER was a Christian military order. It was originally founded in 1118 in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and recognized by the Papal Bull, exercitus ad extremum judex (army of the last judge) in 1141 by Pope Innocent II. Following the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1291, the Order lost many of its Knights and influence. THE ORDER OF SHIMSHON, as it is known today, was revitalized by some living knights and young European noblemen in 1301 who moved their headquarters, which they called The Shimshon Strong, to Kiev. Among them was Stanislovas Kesgaila-Volant's great-grandfather. This was done after the presence of Atrumans on Earth was confirmed by the Catholic Church. Thus, the former military order became a secret order funded by the church and its many wealthy Knights, tasked with eliminating the demonic plague which threatened the realm of humankind.

Over the years, the Order has gradually moved away from its Christian background. With new, somewhat progressive, leadership, the Order is focused on achieving its aims by any means necessary. It now welcomes Knights from other faiths and religions among its ranks, and uses powers not entirely gotten from sources the original founders would consider... Holy. For decades, the Order was thought to be extinct.

Incardian Inheritance

Some Incardians are gifted with an Inheritance. An Inheritance is a special ability Incardians receive once they are Questioned. They are called Inheritances because they supposedly come directly from Semyaza’s powers. All inheritances are rare, and no one knows how or why specific Incardians have them and others do not. There are only five gifts: Swiftness, Power, Therianthropy, Telepathy and Telekinesis.


Prophecy of the Incardian Ambler

When the GREAT STAR shall shine before its time to smite the CHILDREN OF THE FALLEN. And all shall scarper in an Ill FATED attempt at survival, only one shall Amble. With bright EMERALD EYES, he will be the last SON OF SEMYAZA. Fated to DECIDE whether more shall follow, or remain ALONE.

Azmaveth Agreement

All Atrumans are to live discreetly; Magirevs are to no longer interfere in the affairs of Atrumans and vice versa; And the Prophecy of the Incardian Ambler should be amended to prevent controversy.



The banishment of an Incardian from Terraincardia. An irreversible and painful process only a handful of Incardians have managed to achieve in the past. To cut an Incardian away from the the Oneness in Terraincardia is considered by most a punishment worse than death.


The realm of Incardians. Due to their unique ability to separate body and soul, Incardians exit their body to reside in this realm in times of celebration and crisis. Most of it is a barren desert blanketed by a starless sky. Andvaria is its sole named city where the seat of power, The Gore Council, conducts the Ceremony of Consent: A formal test of a fledgling Incardian’s skill and strength.

The Oneness resides in the outskirts of Andvaria.


The Oneness

The Oneness is force that sits atop the Ziggurat of the Oneness in Terraincardia. Legend has it that the Unnamed Incardian Originator built this structure to house the source of his creation. The Oneness is a glowing orb of energy which represents every living Incardian, Questioned or not, and illustrates the connections between Questioner and Assenter.

The Knoxian Heightening Spell

There are many spells used for the purpose of heightening one’s abilities, but the Knoxian Heightening Spell (KHS) is THE heightening spell of heightening spells. Created by the Magirev, Knox, the KHS gives its conjurer amazing powers. Yet, the power is unstable and most of its conjurers have been consumed by it and died. There are five stages of the KHS which are identified by changes in eye color: Ochre, Crimson, Cobalt Blue and Emerald Green. Only one has ever reached the green eyed stage and survived…



This is the process of “awakening” the Incardian part of a “human”. An Incardian (the Questioner) approaches a potential Incardian (the Assenter) by asking an enchanted question: “Do you want more?” The answer has to be in the affirmative or the Incardian dies as a human. Otherwise, the human part of the Assenter dies and the Incardian comes to the fore.

Board of Atruman Enterprise (BAE)

The body responsible for all Atruman businesses.



This is a religion among some Atruman circles. Vethians worship the “Atruman Miracle,” Azmaveth Roth. As the only offspring from the union between an Incardian and a human woman, Azmaveth was impossible.

Vethians believe in his role in returning all Atrumans to their original home, Gehenna.

Pesanta Demons

Giants, said to be direct descendants of the original Nephilim. They can take the form of normal human beings, but enlarge as soon as they come under threat.
